Homecoming Parade

Uniform for this is Performance Wicking T, Band Shorts, and Athletic Shoes (NOT BAND SHOES). 5:15 pm walk down to Bob Woodruff park 5:35 pm Start to get together in sections 5:45 pm in Mass Band Parade Block - 6 Across. Please help get McMillen and Williams in the right places! 5:50 pm brief warmup w entire cluster band 6:00 pm parade begins 6:30 pm In the gym, in same setup as Friday's Pep Rally except you will be standing. We will play various tunes from Flip Folder until it actually starts During Pep Rally, we will play Eye of the Panther (Full Version). Drumline will play (Face the other side :). Back In Black. East Spellout. Hey Song. School Song/Fight Song. 7:00 pm estimated...finished! We will wear performance wicking T, band shorts, and athletic footwear.
Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Plano East Band Sponsors 2024-25

Diamond Sponsors

Silver Sponsors